e-ISSN: 2583-2298
WE- A Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal publishes original research in the field of Arts and Humanities. It also incorporates research reports and includes reviews of important Indian and foreign publications. Special issues on various aspects of Library, Philosophy, Linguistics, Sanskrit, GRS, Hindi Literature, Buddhism, are also published from time to time. It is published half-yearly in June and December every year

About WE
WE, is the academic endeavour of the faculties and research scholars of the Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi intend to propagate, promote and disseminate research, innovation and latest trends in the field of Arabic, Buddhist Studies, English, Germanic & Romance Studies, Hindi, Library & Information Science, Linguistics, Literature, Modern Indian Language & Literary Studies, Persian, Philosophy, Psychology, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Urdu and Slavonic & Finno-Ugrian Studies. The editor invites scholarly research articles and review studies related to the above-mentioned disciplines of knowledge.
WE, publishes original research in the field of Arts & Humanities. It also incorporates research reports and includes reviews of important Indian and foreign publications. Special issues on various aspects of Library, Hindi, Sanskrit, Philosophy, etc, are also published from time to time.
WE: A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual (Peer-Reviewed Research Journal) is published in June and December by the Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi. The annual subscription is 2000 INR in India and $50 in the USA and other countries
It is Multidisciplinary & Multilingual (Peer-Reviewed Research Journal) in India in the field of Arts & Humanities. The WE is freely accessible online
Editorial Board
Prof. Amitava Chakraborty
Dean, Faculty of Arts
University of Delhi
Email: amitavaz@yahoo.com
Mobile: 9910089928
Joint Editor
Prof. Mohammad Hassanzadeh
Tarbiat Modares University
E-Mail: hasanzadeh@modares.ac.ir
Mobile: +98(21)82883678
Joint Editor
Prof. Rama
Principal, Hans Raj College
University of Delhi
E-Mail: drrama1965@gmail.com
Associate Editor
Dr. Manish Kumar
Dept. of Lib. Info. Science
University of Delhi
Mobile: 9911135161
Founding Editor
Prof. Syed Ali Karim
Department of Urdu
University of Delhi
E-Mail: karim.irteza@gmail.com
Mobile: 991004933
Prof. KP Singh
Dept. of Lib. & Info. Science
University of Delhi
E-Mail :kpsingh330@gmail.com
Mobile: 9818057510
Joint Editor
Prof. Kumud Sharma
Department of Hindi
University of Delhi
E-Mail: sharma.kumud9@yhaoo.com
Mobile: 9811719898
Joint Editor
Dr. RM Singh
Department of Philosophy
University of Delhi
E-Mail: ravimsingh@gmail.com
Mobile: 9910003450
Associate Editor
Dr. Prerna Malhotra
Department of English
University of Delhi
E-Mail: prernavmalhotra@yahoo.co.in
Mobile: 9868981489
Editorial Advisory Board
Prof. Syed Hasnain Akhtar
Department of Arabic
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: naimulhasanansari@gmail.com
Prof. I N Singh
Dept. of Buddhist Studies
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: subhra.barua.pavagadhi@gmail.com
Prof. Anil Kumar Aneja
Department of English
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: anil.aneja@gmail.com
Prof. Vijaya Venkaraman
Department of GRS
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: vvenkataraman@grs.du.ac.in
Prof. Kumud Sharma
Department of Hindi
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail sharma.kumud9@yahoo.com
Prof. Rakesh Kumar Bhatt
Dept. of Lib. & Info. Science
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: drbhattrk63@gmail.com
Prof. Tanmoy Bhattacharya
Department of Linguistics
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: head@linguistics.du.ac.in
Prof. Amitava Chakraborty
Department of MIL&L
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: amitavaz@yahoo.com
Prof. Aleem Ashraf Khan
Department of Persian
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: aleemashrafkhan@gmail
Prof. P Kesava Kumar
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Arts
Prof. Om Nath Bimali
Department of Sanskrit
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: bimaliomnath@yahoo.com
Prof. Najma Rehmani
Department of Urdu
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: nrehmani@urdu.du.ac.in
Sr. Prof. (Dr.) Nandita Babu
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Arts
E-Mail: head@psychology.du.ac.in
Managing Editors
Prof. KP Singh
Mr. Diyanshu Gupta
Dr. Manish Kumar
Dr. Aditya Kumar Gupta
Contact Us
All correspondence should be addressed to Prof. KP Singh, Editor, WE,
Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007