e-ISSN: 2583-2298
Authors' Guideline
Submit your Online Manuscripts
Instructions to Authors
The editors invite original, scholarly articles and research papers within the broad field of Arabic, Buddhist Studies, English, Germanic & Romance Studies, Hindi, Library & Information Science, Linguistics, Modern Indian Language & Literary Studies, Persian, Philosophy, Psychology, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Urdu, and Slavonic & Finno-Ugrian Studies for publication in WE: A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual (Peer Reviewed Research Journal), etc. that have not been published previously or submitted elsewhere, and that are not under review for another publication in any medium (e.g., print or electronic) should be submitted to the Editor,
WE. All submissions should preferably be sent through Email <wefacultyofarts@gmail.com> along with docx attachment. The author should obtain copyright clearance for materials used in the article. It will be assumed that submission of an article to this journal implies that all the foregoing conditions are applicable. Review Process: All contributions submitted will be subjected to peer review and published as per the policy of plagiarism of UGC/MHRD, Government of India. To allow anonymous refereeing, please submit author(s) identification, affiliation, etc. in a separate page (not in the main text of the article).
Papers (4000-6000 words normally, 6500-8000 words in exceptional cases), short communications (1500-3000 words) on new ideas/new areas of work/innovations/action research/ongoing investigations/conference and seminar and workshop outcomes, and book reviews (800-1500 words).
Organisation: The general organisation of research papers should be as follows: The nature and scope of the study should be stated first, then the details of methods, materials, tools, procedures and/or equipment's used: followed by findings, discussion, and conclusion. Appendices may be used to amplify details where appropriate. Scholarly papers should have an abstract of not more than 300 words along with 3-5 Keywords.
Reference Style
References should be strictly in APA Style. Some examples of various types of documents are given below:
Singh, KP (2020). Playing from the front: A story of unfolded acts of a library & information science teacher. New Delhi: AKS Publishing House. ISBN-978-81-946468-4-6
Journal Articles
Chander, H., & Singh, KP. (2020). Subject mapping of Punjabi language books: A bibliometric study. Annals of Library and Information Studies. 67 (4), 251-256
Book Chapters
Singh, KP, & Gupta, D. (2019). Use of e-Resources by research scholars: A case study of central reference library, University of Delhi, Delhi. In Singh, MP (Ed.) Relevance of Ranganathan's Philosophy in the 21st Century (pp. 10-20). The Book Line Publishers: New Delhi. ISBN: 978-9382524-82-3
Conference Papers
Verma, S. & Singh, KP. (2019). Research publications of University of Delhi (2013-2018): An Altmetrics Analysis. In 3rd DLA-SRFLIS Summit 2019: Digital Age Strategies in Information Management for Sustainable Librarianship. Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS), New Delhi. P 459-465, ISBN: 978-81-927409-7-3
Saurav, S. (2019). Bibliometric Study of International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology. [Master Dissertation, University of Delhi] (If Published, please mention the publisher’s name).
Submission of Papers
Contributors/author are advised to submit article (s) only in soft copy (DOCX FORMAT) strictly in the format as suggested in ‘Author Guidelines’ along with Plagiarism Report by authorized software (such as URKUND and Turnitin) on the E-mail: wefacultyofarts@gmail.com